WWEShop – WWE Wrestling Superstar Merchandise, WWE Clothes, Action Figures & More

WWEShop – WWE Wrestling Superstar Merchandise, WWE Clothes, Action Figures & More.



Wow. WWE must have an overstock of plain black shirts. That’s got to be the reason for this, because I can’t figure out any other reason a wrestling company would sell a plain black t-shirt that just says “jobber” on the front.


WWE has taken a lot of flak for “exposing the business,” and while this isn’t exactly their more egregious offense, it’s pretty stupid.

I wouldn’t wear one of these, and I actually know what they mean. Why would WWE’s casual audience…kids…want to buy one of these? For that matter, why would someone like me want to buy one?

This will flop. Watch.

About themillsisawesome

I'm a smart kid who can't seem to escape his redneck roots. My love for professional wrestling can no longer be contained, and it's manifested itself here. It also manifests itself when I get Jager drunk. I've been told I do my Ric Flair impression for hours on end when I drink Jager. That stuff is killer. Oh, and I get a sweet grade in a college course for maintaining this blog. Just click through it if for nothing else than to help me pass so I can graduate. I mean honestly, do you want someone like me out there flipping your burgers? No you do not. Help me get my college degree so I can make more money and not bother you. View all posts by themillsisawesome

One response to “WWEShop – WWE Wrestling Superstar Merchandise, WWE Clothes, Action Figures & More

  • LFCGosty

    I said this on twitter when someone posted the link after it was originally announced they were doing this:

    The irony is almost anybody who understands those terms wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something like that in public.

    The funniest thing is that majority of WWE’s own fan base will have no idea what the shirts mean, so who are they really trying to appeal to?

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