Update On Storyline Plans For Lord Tensai, Del Rio/Rodriguez – WWE – eWrestlingNews.com

Update On Storyline Plans For Lord Tensai, Del Rio/Rodriguez – WWE – eWrestlingNews.com.


Surprise surprise.

Despite the fact that Albert denied the claims that he had resigned with WWE, a vignette aired touting his “debut” this week on Raw. Granted, he’s now called “Lord Tensai.”

What a stupid name, by the way. They DO know this is a fat white guy rather than a fat Japanese guy, right?

Rumor has it, he’s going to go into a top flight feud as soon as he debuts, which is no real surprise. The guy is a good worker…in my opinion one of the most underrated big men of our generation.

My only real issue with this is the fact that, even though the guy can work and has shown so in Japan, he still looks like shit. He USED to be intimidating back in the day, but it seems to me, from what I’ve seen, that the dude has put on some weight since we last saw him in the WWE. I don’t mean that in a good way either.

Still, I’d like to see what they do with him. I don’t expect him to have a long run and win multiple world championships, but a new monster heel is always fun to watch.

Here’s to hoping.

About themillsisawesome

I'm a smart kid who can't seem to escape his redneck roots. My love for professional wrestling can no longer be contained, and it's manifested itself here. It also manifests itself when I get Jager drunk. I've been told I do my Ric Flair impression for hours on end when I drink Jager. That stuff is killer. Oh, and I get a sweet grade in a college course for maintaining this blog. Just click through it if for nothing else than to help me pass so I can graduate. I mean honestly, do you want someone like me out there flipping your burgers? No you do not. Help me get my college degree so I can make more money and not bother you. View all posts by themillsisawesome

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