
Had an assignment in my sports writing class today where we had to pick an iconic sports photo and discuss the situation surrounding the photo. I chose this:

I still think it was a work. (credit: WWE)

It was really cool getting to lay a little knowledge on my classmates about the Montreal Screwjob, especially because to talk about the Screwjob, you have to give a little background on that feud and a little bit on the sport. What wasn’t so cool was the reaction I got immediately after I pulled up the photo.

“That’s not even a real sport. That’s fake.”


The girl who said that, you know what sport she picked? Running. I’m just gonna throw this out there. Catch it if you want.

With all the performance enhancing drugs in THAT sport these days, one could make an argument that her favorite sport is fake too. At least mine requires more than bitchin’ cardio.

About themillsisawesome

I'm a smart kid who can't seem to escape his redneck roots. My love for professional wrestling can no longer be contained, and it's manifested itself here. It also manifests itself when I get Jager drunk. I've been told I do my Ric Flair impression for hours on end when I drink Jager. That stuff is killer. Oh, and I get a sweet grade in a college course for maintaining this blog. Just click through it if for nothing else than to help me pass so I can graduate. I mean honestly, do you want someone like me out there flipping your burgers? No you do not. Help me get my college degree so I can make more money and not bother you. View all posts by themillsisawesome

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